Directx 9.0 runtime
Directx 9.0 runtime

When a one-bit surface is read, the runtime can perform either point sample or convolution filtering. You may use one-bit surfaces with the following APIs: ColorFill, UpdateSurface and UpdateTexture. There are no separate caps for the surface width and height an implementation must support a single size surface that is 2K texels x 8K texels.Ī one-bit surface has one bit per texel therefore, a one would mean that all components (r,g,b,a) of a pixel are 1, and zero would mean that all components are equal to 0. A one-bit surface is designed to be either used as a per-pixel texture, or the render target output generated by ComposeRects or ColorFill. There is a new one bit surface format type which can be especially useful for processing text glyphs. Use this macro to generate a behavior flag for IDirect3D9::CreateDevice. Disabling Multithreaded Software Vertex ProcessingĪ new caps bit (D3DCREATE_DISABLE_PSGP_THREADING) has been added that will disable multithreading for software vertex processing (swvp). Now with DirectX for Windows Vista, calling Reset after a mode change does not cause texture memory surfaces, textures and state information to be lost and these resources do not need to be recreated. In previous versions of DirectX, when an application experienced a mode change, the only way to recover was to reset the device and re-create all video memory resources and swap chains. Full screen applications can resume rendering when they receive a WM_ACTIVATEAPP callback message. When the presentation area is obscured by another window in windowed mode, or when a fullscreen application is minimized, PresentEx will return S_D3DPRESENTATIONOCCLUDED. If hardware hangs, texture memory is lost.Īfter a driver is stopped, the IDirect9Ex object must be recreated to resume rendering. When hardware hangs, the device can be reset by calling ResetEx.

  • Disabling Multithreaded Software Vertex Processingĭevices are now only lost under two circumstances when the hardware is reset because it is hanging, and when the device driver is stopped.
  • Applications using DirectX for Windows Vista must be using hardware that uses the WDDM driver (Windows Device Driver Model) as opposed to the XPDM (XP Driver Model) drivers that do not implement the WDDM cannot instantiate Windows Vista DirectX graphics interfaces.ĭiscover the new DirectX graphics features in Windows Vista in one of these sections: To develop the power of DirectX for Windows Vista, you must install the Windows Vista SDK as well as the DirectX SDK.

    directx 9.0 runtime

    This documentation specifically refers to the Windows Vista extensions for DirectX graphics.

    Directx 9.0 runtime